Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lemon-Banana or Banana Lemon?

Today has been crazy. But through it all I baked some cookies...well invented them really. I was making to ever-so-famous Lemon Crinkle Cookie recipe from when I realized "We don't have an egg." Now what am I supposed to do? Finish with out it? Aha! Egg substitute. First one I saw.........was banana. I didn't think much of it until the cookies started to smell more of bananas then of lemon. Oh well, it was worth a shot. In the end they turned our AMAZING! So let me shut-up and here's the recipe!

         Lemon-Banana Cookies

1/2 cup butter- room temp.
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 of a banana (or 1 egg for regular lemon cookies)
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup powdered sugar.

Set your oven to 350 degrees. Beat the butter and sugar in a medium bowl. Add in vanilla, banana(or egg), lemon zest, and lemon juice. Mix until completely combined then add salt, baking powder, baking soda, and flour until completely combined. DO NOT ADD POWDERED SUGAR. Now spread powdered sugar on large board. Roll dough into whatever size desired and roll in powdered sugar and place on greased cookie sheet. Bake for 9-11 minutes.

*I rolled mine up very small...probably not even an inch and I made about 50 cookies! Not multiplying any ingredients (take note the cookies turned out small) And sorry for no picture...everyone ate them all before I could snap one but they look just like the regular lemon cookies so here's a picture of that. [picture from]



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Half homemade.

So the other day I decided to bake some cookies. I was really tired of making the lemon cookies my family loved. Here is the solution. Chocolate chip cookies from a box!!! But these have a twist. I added a dash of milk and 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla to the dough. Then roll each cookie in powdered sugar.

Everyone love them and they were incredible! Follow the baking instructions for degree of oven and how long the cookies should stay in and you're good to go!



Thursday, June 7, 2012

White Cheese Chicken Enchiladas

I tried this enchilada recipe from Pinterest. Apparently it is the best enchilada recipe and my family wouldn't disagree with that. Follow the recipe from And it turns out perfect! In my personal opinion I would leave out some of the green chillies or chop them up more. It's super easy and everyone will love it!



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Red Velvet Cheesecake Ball

First recipe! And I'm eating it right now!! This is a quick dessert that will blow minds! And it's very adaptable. I used Red Velvet because that is what the original recipe from (The pic above is from the website. Mine didn't last long enough for a glamour shot.) Let's get started!

All you need:
 8 oz. Cream cheese at room temp.
 1/2 cup butter at room temp.
 1 1/2 cup red velvet cake mix
 2 tablespoons brown sugar
 1/2 cup powdered sugar
 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
 And your choice of cookie/cracker (I used Vanilla Wafers...they are good.)

Once you have your ingredients set out, grab a mediumish sized bowl and mixer. Put the cream cheese and butter in the bowl and mix until it's well blended. 
Now you will add in the brown and powdered sugar and cake mix. This is why I said that this recipe is can use ANY kind of cake mix. Next time I will try confetti cake and instead of chocolate chips I will substitute sprinkles...what's your different combination? 
Mix this all up and you should get a red cheesecake-like substance. This is incredibly delicious by itself so spread it on some crumbs and you've got a red velvet cheesecake! Anyway, stick to this recipe.... add it the chocolate chips and stir. 

Now we will wrap this into wax paper. I attempted a round ball and it looks like that...whatever. Chill it in the fridge for a minimum of two hours for it to mold properly. While you're waiting go ahead and lick the know you want to. 

 Oh and go ahead and lick the bowl clean too. I won't tell.

Finished! To get the affect in the original picture you will need to roll the ball of dip into more chocolate chips. This gives it a professional and fancy look. Serve with Vanilla Wafers (or whatever) and ENJOY


P.S. Check out my blog about random stuff!!